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News & Views

Forthcoming Exhibitions

Photo Bath Annual Exhibition: Artspace 44AD, Abbey Green,Bath 24.09.18-30.09.18

Walcot Chapel, Bath



Bath Art Fair,The Pavilion, Bath



2019 Recognition/Awards
Like many children born in the 1950s my first camera was a Kodak Brownie 127. As I grew older I used an Agfa half frame and similar kit: two months after starting work and near starving myself I was able to buy a Pentax Spotmatic, oh joy...
That camera suited me for 10 or so years and I was sad when eventually the shutter became faulty. The ensuing years saw me tempted by many updates and improvements in SLR camera technology.
Then came the  digital age and again I was like a kid in a candy shop...
In the last 3 or 4 years I have become rather a technophobe regarding cameras as I realised that I was concentrating on the kit and not the image produced: the 'Hallelujah' moment was when, in an exhibition in Paris, I saw a remarkable series of photographs which had been taken with a very cheap point-and-shoot. Since that day I have disencumbered myself of high-tech kit and I now concentrate solely on the image. I have found that by concentrating on subject, composition, balance, light and framing my work has become more innocent with a natural spontaneity that is often missing in technically perfect photos.
My Bath's Buildings photos are my reaction to what I regard as Tech Tyranny, in them I am striving to create pictures which have an honesty and simplicity absent in many over-engineered photographs. 
Obviously, my Floating Worlds rely on software for their creation but I regard them as being individual works of art which happen to have a photographic DNA. They owe their existence to my original connection between Tibetan scrolls and a view of Bath from a hill, a photograph was the bridge between imagination and finished work.   
Photography should be an art, not a science.
To share this approach I conduct photo tours where I encourage participants to free-up their creativity. Details of these tours are available on...

'Camden Crescent Squared' Bath Thanka, 2nd Prize Architectural Photographer of the Year 2019, Museum of Bath Architecture; on show till Sun 23rd June 2019

'Belmont', B/W, Bath's Buildings image, 8th Prize Architectural Photographer of the Year 2019, Museum of Bath Architecture: on show till Sun 23rd June 2019


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